
What Happens If You Sell A Copyright That Isn't Registered

Artists, crafters, designers, writers, singers, and artistic people of every stripe sell their creations online every solar day. Whether you sell through your own website, an online marketplace such as Etsy or eBay, or at a local fine art fair, having a bones agreement of copyright law tin be a tremendous asset.

Whether you are worried about others violating your copyrights or want to know if you tin legally sell your "fan art," a foundational background in copyright law is essential.

Please note that any discussion of copyrights or other legal issues is never a substitute for legal advice from a qualified attorney. If you lot need specific advice about a copyright event yous're having, talk to a lawyer.

Copyrights Explained

Copyrights are a kind of intellectual property, or IP. Intellectual holding is property that arises out of a artistic process, such as an artistic endeavor, human activity of invention, or whatsoever creation of the mind. As with personal property, IP owners have the right to apply their property as they wish. At the aforementioned fourth dimension, people who don't ain IP are not entitled to use it unless given permission past the IP owner.

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Copyrights apply to works of authorship or artistic expression, such as articles, books, drawings, paintings, sculptures, films, songs, figurer software, architectural plans, and even choreographed dances. Copyright owners have the sectional right to use their protected properties, just equally they reserve the sectional right to utilise their car, shoes, or abode.

How to Create a Copyright

The process of creating copyrights is simple. If you've always written, drawn, or otherwise created anything, you lot already ain copyrights to your creation. This is because copyrights get created automatically, equally long as you run into 2 basic requirements:

  1. You create an original work. As long every bit your work is your ain, you own copyrights to information technology immediately upon its creation. For example, if you write a short story, yous are the copyright holder to that story as soon as you write information technology. You don't need to register, sell, mail, or take any other actions to own copyrights for the work. Copyright police force says that your work is copyrighted every bit soon as you create it.
  2. You lot affix, attach, or place the cosmos in a medium. You cannot copyright an idea, and your original idea isn't protected by copyright until you affix it in some tangible or physical medium. The medium can be well-nigh anything, from handwritten words on newspaper to digitally created drawings or designs. As long equally your idea exists in something other than your head, it's copyrighted.
Create Copyright Affix

Copyright Protections

A copyright is not a single protection. Rather, information technology's a collection of rights and abilities that you, equally the possessor of a copyrighted work, enjoy. Like other forms of belongings, you lot can buy, sell, transfer, license, and requite away your copyrights, or portions thereof, for any work. While there are some limitations on your rights as a copyright holder, such as fair use and offset sale (see beneath), in that location are exclusive protections afforded to all copyright owners:

  • Reproduction. A copyright possessor is the simply person who can reproduce or copy the work, such as by making copies of a book, photo, or painting. Anyone who reproduces your work, or fifty-fifty a portion of the piece of work, without your permission violates your copyrights.
  • Distribution. The copyright holder has the right to distribute and sell reproductions or copies.
  • Public Functioning. If you create a work, such as a play or moving picture script, you have the exclusive right to perform that work in public. Note, nevertheless, this right only controls public performances. Then, if you lot sell digital copies of a film y'all've made, you cannot prevent others from watching it in individual, though they must have your permission if they wish to display it in a public setting.
  • Public Display. Like public performances, public displays of your piece of work are exclusively yours. Then, if an art gallery wants to brandish your photographs, it must have your permission to do so. Merely, if you sell prints of your piece of work, the buyers can display them in their homes since such displays are non public.
  • Derivative Works. Y'all have the sectional right to create derivative works of your copyrighted work. For case, if yous write a book, you have the right to make and sell posters, t-shirts, and other similar items that are based on that volume.

Copyright Registration

You, every bit the creator of an original piece of work, do not have to register that work with the Usa Copyright Office to own the copyright to it. Equally soon as you lot create your work, you lot are the copyright possessor.

But owning copyrights and enforcing them are two different things. One of the strange aspects of copyright police arises from registration. Though the rights y'all have as a copyright owner take issue as soon as you create the piece of work, and in that location is no requirement that you register the piece of work to own the copyrights for it, you lot cannot file a lawsuit to protect your work unless you've registered information technology.

While y'all can take some steps to protect your work, such as filing a DMCA takedown notice, you cannot ask a courtroom to issue an injunction or accolade y'all amercement – by filing a lawsuit – until you've registered.

Registration of any copyrighted work is simple. You must register your work through the United states Copyright Office, and can practice so electronically or via mail. Registration costs $35 to $55 if you lot do it on your own, or more than if yous rent an attorney to do it for you. Each individual registration takes between 6 and 15 months to process, afterward which you'll receive notification that your work has been registered.

Registering a piece of work conveys a range of benefits in addition to allowing you lot to file a lawsuit to protect your piece of work:

  • Found a Public Record. If you ever have to protect or dispute your copyright claim, registration establishes a clear public record of when you created and registered your work, equally well as what the work entails.
  • Constitute Validity of Your Claim. If you file your copyright within five years of publishing your work, courts will assume that your copyright claim, and the statements made inside it, are truthful. That means that if someone wants to claiming your claim, information technology is up to the challenger to show evidence to prove that your claim and statements are false.
  • Recover Attorney's Fees and Statutory Damages. You can only recover chaser's fees and statutory damages in an infringement lawsuit if you file for registration of your work within iii months of publication. Otherwise, any infringement lawsuits you file will be limited to actual amercement.
  • Annals With U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Registering a piece of work with the USCBP allows the bureau to protect confronting infringing copies of your work from being imported into the country. Simply, yous have to register that work with the U.South. Copyright Office earlier you can register information technology with customs.

Copyright Infringement Remedies

Copyright infringement is when someone violates your rights as a copyright owner. For case, if you lot write a volume, you lot have the right to control who sells copies of that book. If someone starts selling copies without your permission, that's copyright infringement. Every bit the copyright owner, you have several remedies available to you when this happens:

  • Injunctions. If someone is violating your copyrights, you tin can ask a court to issue an injunction. An injunction is a court order that stops someone from taking action. In the instance of copyright infringements, the injunction typically orders the infringer to cease any activity that violates your copyrights. For example, if you find that a local store is selling copies of your t-shirt design without your permission, yous can enquire a court to issue an injunction that orders them to stop selling the shirt.
  • Bodily Amercement. Sometimes called compensatory damages, bodily damages in a copyright infringement instance are what you, equally the copyright owner, lost because of the infringing activity. So, for example, if y'all lose t-shirt sales because of the infringer's activeness, the money you would have made from the lost sales is the bodily damages in your case.
  • Profits. If infringers turn a profit from their activity, you're entitled to receive the profits they make. But, you can only receive profits in excess of your bodily amercement. So, if you lost $10,000 in sales because of the infringement, merely the infringer made $xiv,000 in profits, you lot'd be entitled to the $iv,000 in profits equally well as the $10,000 in sales.
  • Statutory Damages. Statutory damages are predetermined impairment amounts that apply to copyright infringements of some, simply not all, registered works. To win statutory damages, all you have to prove is that the infringer violated your copyrights in some way. For each work violated, you can be awarded upward to $150,000 in statutory damages regardless of what, if any, actual amercement you suffered.
  • Attorney's Fees. If you have to file an infringement lawsuit, it may cost you quite a fleck in the manner of legal fees. But, as long as you registered your piece of work in time, you lot are entitled to recover those fees every bit part of your lawsuit.

Criminal Copyright Violations

In some cases, copyright infringement can lead to criminal charges. Criminal copyright acts arise when the infringer acts willfully, and the infringement:

  • occurs for the purposes of individual financial proceeds or commercial reward,
  • consists of one or more than infringing copies fabricated inside 180 days that accept a retail value of $1,000 or more, or
  • is an infringement of a work intended for commercial release, and is made bachelor over a computer network accessible by members of the public.

It's also a criminal copyright violation someday someone fraudulently makes or removes a copyright notice. For example, let's say your friend gives y'all a manuscript she wrote. You lot read it, decide you lot similar information technology, and start selling digital copies on Amazon. You aren't the copyright owner, and considering you are willfully violating the writer's copyrights and trying to brand a financial gain from your actions, yous've committed a criminal deed of copyright infringement.

Farther, if you sell the book with a discover that you are the copyright owner, you've committed an additional offense because you've fraudulently claimed copyright ownership.

Unlike a civil case, you lot, as the copyright owner, cannot choose to file a criminal case. Instead, what you can do is report the suspected offense to law enforcement. If the law enforcement agency decides that criminal charges are warranted, they will file a criminal instance. In that case, y'all may exist asked to serve every bit a witness, but y'all are non responsible for filing a lawsuit or presenting a case to the court.

If you suspect a copyright crime has taken place, you can contact a local Federal Agency of Investigations field office or file a complaint online. If you believe the offense has taken place online, you can file a complaint with the FBI's Cyberspace Crime Complaint Center.

Selling Online and the DMCA

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or DMCA, is a law that addresses how copyright infringement issues are handled when they occur online. Specifically, information technology allows online service providers a mode to protect themselves from infringement problems that might risk their ability to operate online, while also allowing copyright owners to law and protect their works from infringement.

If you buy or sell online, or take been notified that your work violates someone'south copyrights, read nigh the Digital Millennium Copyright Deed (DMCA) for a more in-depth wait at how the DMCA can affect y'all. In the meantime, the DMCA allows yous, every bit the possessor of a copyrighted work, three basic options when y'all run across online infringement:

  1. File a DMCA Takedown Notice. If you lot find someone online who is infringing on your copyrighted work, you can file a DMCA takedown discover with the service provider on whose site the infringement occurs. For example, if y'all observe someone on Etsy who is selling a design you made without your permission, y'all tin file the notice with Etsy's registered DMCA agent. In one case filed, Etsy must take down the infringing material.
  2. File a DMCA Counter Notice. If you take received a takedown notice and believe you are non infringing on someone else'south work, you can file a counter-notice. One time filed, the OSP must reinstate the folio or content that was removed.
  3. File a Lawsuit. Once yous get through the find or counter-notice process, the but fashion to address continued infringement, recover damages for the infringing activity, or have like deportment confronting the infringer is to file a lawsuit.
Selling Online Dmca

Mutual Copyright Concerns and Questions

There are a lot of ordinarily asked questions that routinely pop up. Some of these are based on the police, some are based on old laws, and some are based on cipher more than than wishful thinking. Familiarizing yourself with these questions, and understanding the answers, will go a long way in solving many of the common copyright issues you'll encounter.

Can I Sell Fan Art?

1 of the more common questions people have almost copyright surrounds fan fine art. Fan fine art is anything people create that is inspired by, or based upon, a television testify, book, picture show, or about any other class of timeline media.

For instance, if you love the HBO series "Game of Thrones," y'all might want to create something based upon information technology, such as drawings of your favorite characters. You might then try to sell those drawings on a site like Etsy. After all, y'all may have based your creation on an already copyrighted work, but your creation is original. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean you lot tin sell it without violating copyrights.

In almost all cases, fan art is copyright infringement. Unless you take permission from the copyright owner of the work on which you based your own work, you cannot brand and sell fan fine art. If you do, y'all go out yourself open to a range of negative consequences, from DMCA takedowns to lawsuits, and even criminal prosecutions.

Some artists or copyright owners do not mind if fans make, or even sell, products based on copyrighted works, while others do. Unless you have permission from a copyright owner to brand and sell fan art, it's safety to assume that whatsoever derivative work you lot create is copyright infringement.

Is My Work Fair Use?

Fair use is a legal doctrine that permits some uses of copyrighted material without the consent of the copyright owner. Equally long as you employ a copyrighted piece of work for purposes of parody, education, news reporting, research, or criticism, you're generally non committing copyright infringement. Notwithstanding, determining what is or isn't fair utilize is not always easy to do, and at that place is no single test you can employ to decide if your work qualifies as such.

If you're sued for copyright infringement, a court will determine whether fair employ applies to y'all based on the circumstances. In other words, fifty-fifty if you think you are protected under fair use, a court may not meet it that way.

There are four factors that courts expect at when considering whether the use of copyrighted materials is fair use:

  • Purpose of Use. In general, the more than commercial the purpose, the less likely off-white employ will apply. If, for instance, you're using a copyrighted work as part of a presentation you're giving to an elementary school about local history, your utilize probably falls nether fair use. On the other paw, if you try to sell a product based on a copyrighted work at a local craft festival, fair use probably doesn't apply.
  • Nature of the Copyrighted Work. Courts are less likely to find copyright infringement when you base of operations your work on nonfiction sources, and more probable to find infringement when the source is fictional. For case, yous might write a scientific discipline fiction novel using the concepts y'all read about in a machine-learning textbook. In that case, you're likely protected under off-white use. But, if you design the cover for that novel using a painting you lot discover online as a template, fair apply probably doesn't apply.
  • Portion of Copyrighted Work Used. Fair use is more probable to apply when you lot but apply a pocket-sized portion of a copyrighted work. The more yous employ of copyrighted piece of work, the less probable your work qualifies as fair utilize.
  • Market Damage or Effect. Market impairment isn't always piece of cake to quantify, but information technology often boils downwards to whether or not your work negatively afflicted the copyright holder'southward admission to the marketplace. If, for example, your piece of work is so shut in style or manner to the work you based it on that people purchase your work instead of the original, you lot're causing marketplace harm. Similarly, if you could have realistically produced your product by purchasing a license but chose not to, yous're unlikely to be covered by fair use.

I of the more famous examples we can use to illustrate the murkiness of the fair utilise doctrine arose out of the 2008 election. In the months preceding the ballot, artist Shepard Fairey designed the now-famous Promise poster, which he based on a photograph of then-Senator Obama. The poster almost instantly became popular, with Fairey selling hundreds the starting time time he printed the epitome in affiche form. The epitome was somewhen canonical past the Obama campaign and was later on added to the National Portrait Gallery.

Withal, the Fairey poster was based on a photograph that Fairey didn't own or have permission to use. The photographer, who was working for the Associated Printing at the time, sued Fairey for copyright infringement. Fairey argued that his work qualified under fair utilize, and the two sides somewhen settled the case.

Though the details of the settlement were largely confidential, the legal battle itself arose because Fairey never endemic the copyright to the original image, and never had a license to create a work based upon it.

For those who are thinking well-nigh challenge fair apply, the moral of the case is this: Even if you think what you are doing is fair use, you lot may merely ever notice out if you're right after a lengthy and expensive legal boxing.

What Virtually Public Domain?

Like fair use, public domain is a legal doctrine that allows people to use copyrightable material they did not produce. Public domain applies to some copyrighted or copyrightable works, but allows those works to be used by anyone without infringement. Public domain works can come to be in one of four main ways:

  • Works Not Protected past Copyrights. Some works, even though they are original and affixed in a medium, exercise not qualify for copyright protections. I of the most common examples of this is piece of work produced past federal regime employees. As long as the creator of the work was working in his or her capacity every bit a government employee when the work was produced, that piece of work is in the public domain and is generally non protected by copyright, though information technology may take some restrictions on use. For example, photographs that NASA astronauts take while on the International Space Station are generally usable past anyone, unless the photograph contains images of astronauts, or uses NASA insignia.
  • Expired Works. Copyrights do not last forever. If y'all create a copyrighted work, that work volition exist protected until 70 years after your decease. Then, any person who inherits your piece of work (and the copyrights to information technology) later on you dice has the same rights to exclusive use as y'all exercise as the creator. But, those rights expire seventy years after your decease. While you may recall that this ways that whatsoever piece of work created by someone who died more than 70 years ago is now public domain, you're wrong. Considering of legislation passed in the late 1990s, whatever work published in the U.s.a. prior to January ane, 1923, is at present in the public domain. Piece of work published later on that date will enter public domain in 2019, when works published in 1924 meet their copyrights expire. Later on that, works from 1925 will expire in 2020, 1926 in 2021, etc.
  • Works Placed Into Public Domain by Dedication or Creative Eatables. Dedication is when the creator of an otherwise copyright protected piece of work decides to place information technology in the public domain. Dedicated works typically state, for example, that they are "granted to the public" or "dedicated to the public domain." Upon dedication by the copyright holder, the work is no longer protected past copyright and is open to public use. Similarly, works created with Creative Commons licenses can also be open to public use. Creative Commons (CC) is a individual, nonprofit organization that has created a arrangement of public utilize licenses that impose a range of restrictions and abilities. For case, you might publish your work with a CC license that allows others to use your work freely, only merely for not-commercial purposes. Some licenses allow others to utilize piece of work just if they identify the creator; others let work to be used for whatever purpose, including commercial.
  • Works That Were Not Renewed. If a work was published between 1923 and 1964, the initial copyright protection only applied for 28 years. If owners wanted to continue protection, they had to file a renewal in the 28th year or the copyright would expire. If the work was not renewed, it became public domain.

Once a work is in the public domain, anyone can use it for any purpose. However, not all public domain works are free to utilize. For example, original collections of public domain works tin can be copyrighted, equally can derivative works based on public domain properties. And then, if y'all see a collection of poems from a writer who died in the 19th century, the collection is probable protected by copyright, even though the original poems are not.

Every bit a rule, unless yous're certain a work is in the public domain, it'southward all-time not to use it without permission.

What About First Sale?

Similar to off-white use, but less frequently encountered, is the idea of outset use or kickoff sale. Under the first auction doctrine, a buyer of a copyrighted item has the right to later resell that item without risking copyright infringement.

For case, let's say you buy a book, take it home, and read it. After reading it you determine to sell information technology. Yous sign upwardly every bit a seller on Amazon, listing the book every bit a used item, and sell it for a small fraction of what you bought it for. While you do not ain the copyrights to this book, you do not infringe on whatever copyrights since they were protected when y'all kickoff bought the volume. The subsequent resale is not protected by copyright law.

Commencement auction does not give you the right to sell copyright infringing items. For example, you cannot design and sell a Star Expedition t-shirt unless you have a license to practice then, even if you are the outset seller. Just, you tin buy vintage Star Trek items and sell them without a license and without risking infringement, considering the items had previously been sold and protected by copyrights. One time sold, the items become subject to the kickoff sale doctrine.

What If Someone Else Is Selling Fan Art or Infringing Work?

Permit's say you want to sell Harry Potter fan fine art on Etsy. Through your inquiry, you discover there are already numerous Harry Potter-related items being sold, and all of them announced to be listed by creative crafters merely similar you. Over the coming months, yous pay attention to the sellers to run across if their listings get removed, but they don't. The shop owners continue to listing and sell the items without whatsoever apparent problems.

Unfortunately, this doesn't give you permission to starting time doing the same. Whether or non anyone else is making, selling, or giving abroad an infringing work has nil to do with y'all. When you choose to borrow upon a copyrighted work, it's you who opens yourself up to the liability of copyright infringement. While others may be similarly violating the police, their violation does non give you permission to do the same.

Further, information technology is up to the copyright possessor to decide what actions, if any, to take against infringing works. This includes deciding which works to take down or which sellers to sue. Then, if y'all determine to sell an infringing piece of work, the seller could cull to come subsequently yous, exclusively, and there is nothing you can do well-nigh it. That others are as well selling infringing works is not a valid alibi if you e'er take to defend yourself confronting an infringement claim.

Tin I Use Something If It Doesn't Have a Copyright Discover?

This thought is a holdover from how copyright laws used to work. Until the late 1970s, copyright law required that the creator of an original work had to bespeak, by utilise of a copyright notice, that the piece of work was copyrighted. If at that place was no detect of copyright on the work, that work roughshod into the public domain.

The notices differed, but typically came in the form of a cursory identifier, such equally "Copyright 1965" or "© 1965." Some also had statements similar, "This work is copyrighted by Jane Smith. Whatsoever unauthorized use is prohibited."

While many creators still use copyright notices, they are no longer legally required past United States' copyright laws. Farther, even if yous find a work without a copyright find that was produced prior to 1978 (when the original changes to the constabulary took identify), or prior to 1989 (when boosted changes were adopted), that doesn't mean the work falls into the public domain.

At that place are many reasons why an older work may not include a copyright notice but is still protected by copyright laws. The work may have been amended to correct the error, or the work you constitute may accept been an unauthorized copy.

Tin can I Postal service My Book to Myself and Become Copyrights?

The idea that you tin drop a re-create of your work in the mail and obtain copyrights to it has been effectually for a long time. Sometimes chosen the "poor human being'due south copyright," this idea is based on the thought that if you take a sealed envelope with an official stamp, you tin evidence that you are the bodily author of the work.

While self-mailing sounds similar a clever play a joke on, information technology's not very useful. If you want to register your piece of work, self-mailing won't aid. Cocky-mailing a piece of work is not mentioned anywhere in the copyright statutes, and the U.South. Copyright Office does not recognize information technology every bit a substitute for registration. Every bit previously discussed, your legal options with a non-registered work are express, and self-mailing doesn't change that.

Further, if you desire to constitute a clear timeline for when you created the work, self-mailing might assist, simply there's no guarantee, as mail tin can be tampered with hands. Also, the deed of mailing something doesn't brand you the copyright owner, and unless you can evidence you lot are, cocky-mailing isn't going to matter.

Finally, self-mailing to plant authorship is a strategy for a battle that is rarely fought since most copyright disputes don't arise out of questions of authorship. Rather, they arise from questions of fair employ, royalties, licensing, or other issues where the question of authorship is not a business.

Protect Created Copyright

Final Discussion

Copyright constabulary can exist disruptive at best and infuriating at worst. It's a world full of timelines, deadlines, terms of art, and ambiguous phrases. Even the most experienced copyright experts do non ever agree on how far the law extends or what it ways for the boilerplate artistic person trying to sort it all out.

In other words, if you're facing a copyright issue and demand guidance, your just certain answer is to talk to an experienced intellectual property chaser. A adept lawyer will requite you a roadmap that tin help you lot navigate the copyright world. Without that bones guide, y'all might find yourself lost.

Have you ever been confronted with a copyright upshot? What happened and how did yous resolve it?


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