
How To Register A Llc In Maine

  • Maine LLC Name Requirements
  • Searching the Maine Name Database
  • Maine Secretary of Country Contact Info

The first step to forming an LLC in Maine is to search your desired LLC name and make certain it is available for utilize.

Your Maine LLC proper noun must be unique and must follow certain land requirements.

Maine LLC Proper name Requirements

Before searching your LLC proper noun in Maine, in that location are a few requirements you need to know:

1. The abbreviations "LLC" or "50.L.C." must exist used at the end of your Maine LLC name. The abbreviation "LLC" is the most mutual.

two. Because a Maine LLC is not a Corporation, your desired LLC name cannot utilize the word "Corporation", "Incorporated," or their abbreviations ("Corp.", "Inc.").

3. Your desired LLC name must be distinguishable. This means it must be different and unique from all other businesses registered in Maine.

Differences in designators (the identifiers at the end of a business name) and differences in grammar do not create distinguishability.

For example:

  • LLC, Fifty.50.C, Inc., Corp.
  • singular, plural, and possessive
  • A, An, The
  • and, or, &
  • hyphens, slashes, periods, commas
  • three vs. three

The following examples are Non distinguishable:

  • Smith Investments, LLC vs. Smith Investments, Inc.
  • Apple Farm, LLC vs. Apple tree Farms, LLC
  • Print Shop, LLC vs. The Print Store, LLC
  • Night & Day, LLC vs. Night and Day, LLC
  • Peter Paul & Mary Studios, LLC vs. Peter-Paul-Mary Studios, Inc
  • Three Teachers Consulting, LLC vs. 3 Teachers Consulting, LLC

Searching the Maine Proper name Database

1. Visit the Database
Go to the Corporate Name Search folio:

ii. Search your LLC
Enter your desired LLC name in the search box.

Leave out the ending "LLC" and whatever punctuation.

Capitalization doesn't matter.

To be thorough, just enter the commencement word or two of your LLC name to ensure you run across everything that is potentially similar. (Ex: if your desired Maine LLC name is "Johnny Apple Farm LLC", just enter "johnny apple").

To be even more than thorough, just enter a role of the first give-and-take. (Ex: if your desired Maine LLC name is "Printing Solutions LLC", just enter "impress").

three. Browse the Results
Click the "Search" push button and scan the list of existing Maine businesses:

If a "Found 0 entities for query" bulletin appears in the Maine database, that means your desired LLC proper noun is unique and available for utilize.

If the results show names that are not too like to yours (meaning yours is distinguishable), then your desired LLC proper name is available for utilise.

If your desired LLC proper noun appears in the list exactly as you want it, your desired Maine LLC name is not bachelor for use. Yous'll demand to think of a new name or use some inventiveness and come up with a unique variation.

If the results testify a name that is deceptively like to your desired LLC name, your desired Maine LLC proper noun is not bachelor for use. You lot'll need to think of a new name or utilise some creativity and come with a unique variation.

Next Step

One time you observe a Maine LLC proper noun that is unique and distinguishable, yous're set up to select your LLC's Registered Agent. Nosotros'll discuss this in the next lesson: Maine LLC Registered Agent.

And bank check out TRUIC'south business proper name generator if you lot need help coming upwardly with an LLC name.

Maine Secretary of State Contact Info

If you have whatever questions, you can contact the Maine Secretary of State by phone at 207-624-7752 or by email at

Matt Horwitz

Founder & Educator, LLC Academy®

Matt Horwitz has been the leading expert on LLC education for the past decade. He founded LLC Academy in 2010 after realizing people needed simple and actionable instructions to start an LLC that other companies weren't offering. He's cited by Entrepreneur Magazine, Yahoo Finance, and the US Chamber of Commerce, and was featured by CNBC and InventRight.

Matt holds a Bachelor's Degree in concern from Drexel Academy with a concentration in business police. He performs extensive research and analysis to catechumen state laws into simple instructions anyone can follow to form their LLC - all for free! Read more than nearly Matt Horwitz and LLC University.

How To Register A Llc In Maine,


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